Sunday, June 17, 2012

Over the past few weeks, I've been pretty consistent with my training.  I've been getting 4 CrossFit workouts a week, while riding 150 mile a week on the bike.  That works out to be about 4 days of 20-30 miles and 2 days of 40 + miles on the weekends.  I haven't done too many strength biased workouts.  Mostly higher volume reps with mid range loads (65-80% 1RM).  My running hasn't been too intensive, just whatever is in the workouts.  This is going to be all I'll do to get ready for next month's triathlon.  We'll have to se how that one goes.


  1. Hi I am 45 years old I have set a goal to make masters next year , I had surgery early this year could not compete. I found your blog looking for something to post on FB ( photo) I wrote mon , I begin to move forward to live my dream ... Any suggestions? I have to do this ! So happy to have found your blog!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Shawna,
      Thank you for posting a comment. I'm happy to hear you are throwing yourself at the competition side of CrossFit. I would love to give you some suggestions, but I would ned to know a few things. How many years have you been training? What did you have surgery on? How many hours a week are will ing to devote to your goals? Let me know, please. Thanks again.
