Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Yesterday's Session:
In the gym:
10 18' Rope Climbs
20 Thrusters  115#
30 Toes to Bar
40 KB Swings  70#
50 Deadlifts  115#
100 Double Unders
Result: 25:39
This workout was a grind. Most of the time was taken up by rope climbs and thrusters.
1K Swim with 5 reps of 50m sprints on the 1:30.  This was a conservative pace for this style of workout, but it was only my second time in the pool.  Just building some base.
2 hour bike ride with 2 reps of 2 minute race pace efforts and 2 1/4 mile hill repeats spread out within the middle 45 minutes.  Rode 34 miles in those 2 hours.  That was a pretty good clip while riding by myself with a strong head wind.

1 comment:

  1. You know I've heard crickets are a good source of protein, and they help you get better at Crossfit! You should try some ;)
