Sunday, March 18, 2012

CrossFit Games Open Workout 12.4
AMRAP in 12 Minutes
150 Wall Ball 20#
90 Double Unders
30 Muscle Ups

Results: 245 Reps
I have never hidden the fact that I truly hate doing Wall Ball. I have NEVER wanted to do 150 reps of Wall Ball. EVER. So, when this workout was released, I saw it as 3 minutes to do 90 Double Unders and as many Muscle Ups as possible in that time. I, also, looked at this workout as a chance to redeem myself from 12.2 and jump up some places in the standings to get back in to the top 20. I was hoping there would be some guys ahead of me in the standings that were not as good at Double Unders as I was. The Wall Ball was just a steady pace of 27/16/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/5/5/2/5 reps per set. I would finish the reps, turn around, walk 10 feet, turn around and walk back. As soon as I got to the wall, I'd pick up the ball and go. The first 5 -6 reps didn't do much damage. It was always the last 3-4 reps that would put a sting in the legs and lungs. I kept telling myself that and was able to control my breathing and effort pretty well that way. After 130 reps, I just stood there, at the wall, and did as many reps as I could without resting too long. I did the 5 Muscle Ups with a minute to go. They went in sets of 2/2/1. I tried to get one more, but ran out of time.
I'm just going to have wait and see where everyone sits after this workout to see what I'll have to do next week to get myself in position to go to The Games a third time.

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